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According to Dice’s analysis of data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), tech jobs have grown 2.3 percent this year in Atlanta, up from 1.8 percent for 2016. The proliferation of technology is creating challenges for employers that need tech talent, yet are competing with nearly every other company in the city. While pay is one way to stand apart and attract talent, understanding the unique market here can help hiring managers make strategic hiring decisions. As part of our latest Local Market report, we analyzed our Dice data to determine Atlanta’s supply/demand dynamics. We discovered that jobs in key areas such as Big Data, product testing and security received more applications from candidates compared to jobs in more traditional areas such as engineering and non-open source technologies. Download Our Local Market Report on Atlanta Now For example, jobs that involved database modeling received 125 applications on average compared to SAP SCM, which received 1.8 applicants from July to September 2017. On the flip side, we looked at roles which had few applies, signaling little competition for tech professionals (skills that fell into this bucket included Microsoft Dynamics, the aforementioned SAP SCM, and GIS analysis). For all the emphasis placed on recruiting for skills, companies in Atlanta (and the U.S. more broadly) are increasingly interested in the overall fit for candidates—including the ideal combination of skill set and ability to work with the tech team already in place. Atlanta’s boosters like to portray the city as a boomtown. And while the word “boomtown” inevitably draws accusations of hyperbole, there are a number of indicators that suggest a growing region, strong economy and dynamic tech sector. Indeed, many organizations have pushed the idea of Atlanta as an up-and-coming tech hub. For example, NerdWallet says it’s the most mobile-friendly city in the U.S., while the commercial real-estate company CBRE says it’s the sixth-best market for tech gender diversity—as well as the ninth best market for overall tech talent. What’s driving all this? A combination of affordable cost-of-living, good weather and attractive lifestyles, all anchored by a strong economy. “Perhaps one of its strongest assets is found at the intersection of enterprise companies and startups,” said Grant Wainscott, senior director of technology ecosystem expansion for the city-based Metro Atlanta Chamber. Noting that the area is home to 25 of the Fortune 1000 and 220 of Inc.’s fastest-growing companies, he also called it “a thriving ecosystem for entrepreneurs and new businesses.” Atlanta is also home to vibrant healthcare and fintech industries, attracting tech pros with multidisciplinary (and highly skilled) backgrounds. For an even deeper dive, check out Dice’s local market report on Atlanta. Download Our Local Market Report on Atlanta Now