Main image of article Why Executives Need to Get Behind Your Hiring Process
Do your managers make rash hiring decisions? Do they rely on gut instinct instead of facts to evaluate and select candidates? Of course, they do. In fact, these behaviors are so common it was almost therapeutic to read Liz Ryan’s article: Worst-Ever Hiring Managers. Smith writes about a manager who axed a candidate because she talked about her dog during the interview, and a supervisor who couldn’t cite a single reason for dismissing a candidate after deciding he was a loser.Then, you have to contend with managers who knowingly ask illegal interview questions or use discriminatory information to make risky decisions. Of course, it’s HR’s job to provide interview training and curtail managers’ bad behaviors. But first, you have to secure executive support for your mission by using facts and data to make the case for change. Executives are more likely to endorse your cause if you present a risk/reward analysis, which illustrates the financial impact of EEO claims, higher training costs and diminished productivity that results from poor hires and increased employee turnover. But don’t stop with a cursory okay.  You won't be successful unless the company's leaders agree to hold line managers accountable for upholding the law, reducing turnover and making quality hires. Dr. Wendell Williams points out that companies analyze the purchase of big-dollar capital equipment as if their lives depended on it, but they’re willing to drop the same dollars on an employee based on a short conversation, and seldom hold people accountable for misspending the company’s money on a bad hire. At the end of the day, HR needs to share the responsibility for making quality hires and executing a disciplined hiring process -- because no one should have to put up with worst-ever hiring managers.