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If you’re on the hunt for a tech job, it’s not enough to know which jobs are popular now—you also want to know which jobs will continue to grow over the long term. You don’t want to spend time and resources on training only to see employers lose interest in what you do.

Business Insider recently analyzed data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and broke down which occupations will enjoy rising employment numbers between 2022 and 2023. While many of these jobs are medical and financial—the world will always need nurse practitioners and accountants—quite a few are tech-based. Here’s a breakdown of the tech jobs from that list:

(If you want a fuller rundown of which occupations will generate jobs into the early 2030s, check out the article, which also offers up typical educational requirements.)

What can we infer from this list? Analyst and data scientist jobs may remain “hot” for many years to come. The world grows more complex with every passing day, and organizations everywhere must crunch exponentially increasing amounts of data for crucial insights into their operations and the world at large. Executives at those organizations, in turn, will pay top dollar for analysts with a broad array of skills, both well-established and cutting-edge: for example, if you’re a data scientist who’s well-versed in the profession’s core tools and skills (such as Python, SQL, and Tableau), and you have a handle on emerging technologies such as machine learning and process automation, you have a solid chance of finding employment in a variety of industries that need their raw data translated into strategy.

It's a similar story with cybersecurity analysts, management analysts, QA analysts, and other specialists: even as other tech professions potentially become more automated, skilled analysts possess an intuition that’s not easily replicated by machine.

Software developers top the tech elements of the Business Insider list, with more than 410,000 jobs potentially added by 2032. If you trust this prediction, that’s good news, as it suggests the profession will continue growing strongly despite the rise of A.I.-generated code and low- and no-code platforms. Whatever the future holds, though, keeping your skills up-to-date is crucial if you want to continue to have your pick of opportunities and promotions.