Main image of article Pay Gap Narrowing in Tech, Black Women Most Affected: Study
The gender pay gap in tech is now at three percent, according to a new study from Hired. In 2017 and 2018, Hired reports, the gap was four percent for tech pros, suggesting that movements to eliminate it are proving effective. But as the report also notes, men are typically offered a higher salary for the same roles at the same company 60 percent of the time. That's alarming, but also down from 63 percent the previous year. It’s not always the company’s fault: Women ask for lower salaries than men 61 percent of the time, according to the report. Fortunately, this is another fading trend; in 2017, it was 69 percent; in 2018, 66 percent. The candidate pool is also (slightly) leveling between men and women. In 2018, 80 percent of tech role candidates were men. In 2019, that number has dipped to 76 percent. Unfortunately, companies are choosing to interview only male candidates 41 percent of the time. Five percent of the time, only female candidates are interviewed. In 2018, companies interviewed men exclusively 46 percent of the time, and women six percent of the time. Both metrics fell in 2019, with the slack picked up by the third category of a mixed interview pool (both men and women were interviewed 54 percent of the time, a mark of true equality). Unfortunately, black and hispanic candidates are experiencing the worst of the current salary disparity, says Hired. Using White males as the baseline, Asian men made the same ($1, for argument’s sake). White and Asian women made 97 cents on the dollar, while Hispanic men made 94 cents. Black men and Hispanic women earned 91 cents. Black women were the most affected, earning an average of 89 cents on the dollar when compared to the mark set by White and Asian males. This is reflected in expectations. Only White males earned what they expect ($1, again). Asian men expect 99 cents on the dollar, and White women earned their expected income: 97 cents. Asian women expect 96 cents, and earn slightly more. Hispanic men and women also expect the same as they earn. Again, we find Black candidates at a disadvantage. Black men expect 93 cents on the dollar, and earn 91 cents. Black women only expect 90 cents, and earn 89 cents. As tech roles go, women who start their careers in Product Management actually earn 4.74 percent more than men, Hired added. Sadly, that’s the extent of the good news. Software Engineering roles earn female candidates with zero to two years experience 1.23 percent less than men. Fresh-faced female Data Analytics candidates earn 1.33 percent less. Women who enter the Design field earn 6.93 percent less to start, on average. DevOps is the worst offender: Women begin their DevOps careers earning 12.45 percent less than their male counterparts. “While we are disheartened by some of the findings in this report, we are hopeful because for the first time this year we are finally seeing improvement with the overall wage gap shrinking,” Hired wrote. “By sharing transparent salary data and shedding light on the issue at hand, we’re remaining diligent to ensure the progress that has been made doesn’t slip.” As attitudes change, so does the tech pro pay gap. Proactivity is key, but Hired’s data hints that women outside of management roles are still unduly punished via their paycheck, something we’ve seen before.