Main image of article iPhone 5 Will Be Groundbreaking Because of the 'Disappointing' 4S
Yes, half the world was disappointed when the iPhone 5 announcement turned out to the iPhone 4S announcement (not that you'd know it by the rush to Apple stores). But if you look at the bigger picture, things are pretty exciting. The iPhone 5 will never be what it could be if it had been announced a few weeks ago. In essence, the 4S is the iPhone 5 everyone had expected, save for the name, design, gesture-based home button and screen size. In reality, the iPhone 5 will be more than that. Many deemed the iPhone 4S a "minor" upgrade from the iPhone 4, despite having the longest break between device releases. They're disappointed. Apple stock dipped. Their disappointment translates to immense pressure on Apple. Tim Cook can't afford another underwhelming product announcement on the relatively tiny Apple campus. The iPhone 5 has to be groundbreaking. The upgrade has to be more significant than it had ever might have been previously. And it will be, thanks to the global disappointment. If the 4S fell short of expectations, the iPhone 5 will go beyond everyone's expectation. Photo: Alex Motrenko