Career Advice

Insights for Technologists

Cybersecurity Budgets in 2024: What Tech and Security Pros Need to Know
This year’s RSA Conference, which took place in early May, served as a scorecard for how the cybersecurity industry performed in the first half of 2…
Exploring 7 of the Hottest Niche Skillsets Within Tech
In today's competitive job market, positioning yourself as someone who can “hit the ground running” is essential to standing out, landing interviews and a premi…
'Tech Connects' Video, Transcript: AI and Developer Exp…
Earlier this week, we launched a new episode of our “Tech Connects” podcast with guest Adam Seligman, who’s VP of developer experience at Amazon Web Services, o…
AI Specialization Can Yield a Huge Pay Premium
Mastering artificial intelligence (AI) skills can translate into a healthy pay premium, according to a new report from PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). PwC analyze…
Mastering Soft Skills for an AI-Driven Future
With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), many in the tech industry are worried about automation replacing their jobs. Although t…
What Distinguishes a Leader From a Manager?
Within the hierarchy of any business organization, there are obvious and necessary levels of managers who have tremendous responsibili…
Changing The Way The World Moves
How Ford’s Technical Specialists Manage a Globalized Workforce The automotive industry is in a state of rapid change. In addition to t…
Will Lack of AI Skills Prevent You From Getting Hired?
How critical is it to learn artificial intelligence (AI) skills? A new report suggests that employers see this skill-set as increasing…
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