Main image of article Can 'Boomerang Employees' Expect a Warm Welcome?

Not every employee who leaves a company stays away; sooner or later, some decide they want to come back. But are these “boomerang employees” at a disadvantage when it comes to hiring? And how are they regarded internally?

To answer these thorny questions in the context of the tech industry, Blind recently quizzed its pool of anonymous technologists. Some 42 percent of those surveyed felt their current company treats former employees fairly during the interview process. However, 44 percent were also unsure, and 14 percent said their company would treat potential “boomerang employees” unfairly in comparison to “new” candidates. 

But based on Blind’s company-by-company breakdowns, it’s clear that “boomerang employees” are generally regarded favorably by workers at many of the largest tech firms, including Google, Adobe, Uber, and others. Check out the breakdown:

What’s behind this generally favorable impression? According to the blog post accompanying Blind’s data, it might all come down to these returning employees’ ability to accomplish critical tasks. “A boomerang employee is typically already familiar with the company culture and how to get work done,” the posting suggested. “Often, the professional also comes with new skills and experiences from the time spent at another employer. The result may be less training on onboarding required.”

The Great Resignation has focused a lot of attention on the millions of workers who are quitting their current jobs to pursue better offers. Many of those are technologists. “While resignations actually decreased slightly in industries such as manufacturing and finance, 3.6 percent more health care employees quit their jobs than in the previous year, and in tech, resignations increased by 4.5 percent,” read a recent analysis by Ian Cook, who led a study of workforce data by Visier Benchmarks.

While many of these departing employees may indeed find the opportunities of their dreams at other companies, a certain percentage of them may eventually boomerang back to their old employers. Given Blind’s survey results, it seems that many of those employees will be greeted with open arms—after all, they already know their old company’s workflows and nuances.