Main image of article Survey: What Career Goals Do You Have in 2019?
A new year represents yet another symbolic chance to improve your lot in life. With 2019 in full swing, we want to know what you’re looking for, at least professionally. Perhaps you want a raise for the work you’re doing. If you checked out our Salary Calculator over the holidays, you may have discovered you’re earning less than market value for the work you do. Someone with your skill-set and experience might be worth more! Promotions are also great. If you think it’s time to step up in your career, 2019 might be the year you go into management. By making a big play (backed by a shiny résumé), you could finally land that senior developer or project manager position. Or maybe you’re comfortable with your salary and position, but you’d like a better work-life balance. We know remote work is a popular perk for tech pros; is this the year you tell your boss you’d like to stay at home more often? Maybe you’re ready to go all-in and work remotely full-time. This is also the time of year when contracts are renewed, and jobs open up in a big way. Do you think you’re ready for a new job? Our data shows tech pros most often want to quit when they’re not being promoted or not earning enough, and further analysis shows most are open to a new job. If you’ve already discussed a raise or promotion with management at your company and gotten nowhere, it’s possible (and reasonable) you’re feeling the itch to move on with your career elsewhere. But don’t overlook the ‘value added’ proposition: learning a new skill. Tenure alone can’t keep you earning raises or promotions. Tech is dynamic, and your skill-set needs to be, too. Maybe 2019 is the year you learn a new skill (or twelve) to really show your employer how valuable you are. So what will 2019 mean for you? The survey below is, like all Dice surveys, totally anonymous. And like every Dice survey, we’ll be publishing the results in a future article, so stay tuned!