Main image of article Despite Economic Worries, Workers Still Interested in Jumping Jobs

Forty percent of workers plan on quitting their current jobs within the next three to six months, according to a new study by consulting firm McKinsey & Company.

But why are they quitting? Of those leaving their current jobs, 48 percent planned on working for an employer in a totally different industry. Others are leaving for either temporary gigs or to start their own business. Still others plan to use their time to care for family or themselves.

“For those with sought-after skills such as data scientists and programmers, the hurdles to changing industries are lower. Companies are more focused on hiring people for their skills rather than their industry experience, and the most talented individuals with the most sought-after skills will be able to continue to explore options to find the best fit,” the report stated.

Given the current hunger for talent, “there is less of a stigma attached to job hopping or gaps in a résumé,” the report continued, “and joining companies in other geographies without relocating has become easier than ever, making it possible for people to jump from one employer to another.”

There’s an aging truism that “every company is a tech company.” Even businesses in the most analog, old-school industries have adopted technologies that allow them to sell products, analyze data, and manage their operations. That means technologists are in an exceptionally good position to leap wherever they desire; someone out there always needs a website built, a database managed, or a tech stack updated.

Despite some uncertainty about the economy (which has led a handful of tech giants to slow or freeze their current hiring), it’s clear that many workers—and technologists—are still curious about new and better opportunities out there. Just remember: no matter what the industry or organization, you’ll need to demonstrate that you have the skills and experience necessary to do the job.