Main image of article Google, Apple Top Best Internship Study
[caption id="attachment_137877" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] Tech internship[/caption] According to industry intelligence firm Vault, tech once again tops the list for most prestigious internships heading into 2018. Six of the top ten internships are with established tech giants. Google and Apple top the list, with Facebook rising to the number-three spot. Microsoft’s internship program now ranks fourth. Tesla is in sixth place, and Amazon seventh. (Three of the top ten internships are with financial institutions, with Disney rounding out the top ten.) Vault’s results come from over 12,000 current and former interns, who were getting coffee for bosses in over 110 different internship programs. From Vault:
We asked interns to rate the prestige of other employers, to determine which internships are the most desirable. Survey respondents were presented with a list of top companies and, on a scale of one to 10, with 10 being the highest (“It’s a dream job!”) and one being the lowest (“No one wants to work there”), they were asked to rate each company on how prestigious its internship is. Interns were asked to rate only the companies with whose reputations they were familiar. Vault averaged the rating for each employer and then ranked the companies in order, starting with the highest score as No. 1 down to No. 50.
Google’s dominance is well-rounded. Interns report it “looks incredibly impressive on a résumé,” with at least one adding: “anyone would hire you after you’ve worked there.” Taking a look at last year’s Vault internship report reveals that not all big tech internships are always at tech firms. The best ‘tech and engineering’ internship position was with Capital One, for example. Thrivent Financial’s IT internship was second place, with Garmin, SAS and Abbott rounding out the top five. Tesla placed 20th on the list of best tech internships. That said, prestigious internships at tech firms pay well. A study from last year suggested Google, Amazon, Tesla and others pay interns as much as $6,800 a month. These internships are leading to full-time positions. Vault says that, on average, 50 percent of internships lead to job offers. Almost all (98.5 percent) of its respondents were in paid internships, and money was a driving factor in deciding where to take an internship. A separate study from August tells us that employees tend to stick at the biggest tech firms for only a limited time, and that many employees arrive with relatively little (if any) experience. Sounds a lot like those excellent summer internships are leading to short-term jobs.