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When should you begin layering security into that software you’re building? The answer is always “immediately.” Whatever you’re programming—whether a piece of enterprise database software or a fun little app for iOS—security should always be top of mind. A couple of weeks ago, I performed a code review. The code was part of a Web application that allowed people to upload profile images. At first scan-through, everything seemed correct. The code included a post handler that would be called from the client-code side through Ajax. The handler also checked if the user was logged in before allowing the upload to proceed, which turned out to be the only security measure in place. And that’s exactly the problem: As I picked through the code, the security holes became increasingly obvious. The software didn’t check uploading files for viruses or malware, or whether the file was an image at all (aside from a brief examination of the filename extension); there were no limits on the size of the file, meaning a bad actor could upload a very large binary executable. If that wasn’t enough, there was also a problem with how the software served images: There was no check for the referring headers, meaning that, since the file was being placed in a public area, any other site could directly link to the file—the application could host hundreds of malicious files. There are plenty of articles on the Web about how to secure uploads. My bigger point is that programmers need to keep security in mind throughout every facet of their work. That means not only writing secure code, but also knowing the potential threats. When mistakes do happen, it’s often not because the programmer skipped a step; rather, it’s because the programmer never learned about the particular vulnerability in the first place.

A Recent Tragedy

Recently an exploit was discovered in the Adobe Type Manager that could result in code running on Windows at an escalated privilege. The bug in the code was a simple mix-up between integer types. In C and C++, you can specify your integers to be signed or unsigned. Take a look at this C++ code. First, we initialize an array of five integers: [cpp] int x[] = {1,2,3,4,5}; [/cpp] We can print an element in the array, change it, and print its new value out like this: [cpp] cout << x[1] << endl; x[1] = 100; cout << x[1] << endl; [/cpp] (If you're actually typing this into a C++ program, you'll need to use the std namespace.) So far, so good. But what if we don't check our bounds? This is a common bug and a good programmer would be careful about avoiding it. If we're using a variable (say q) to hold our index, we simply check if q is outside the bounds of the array. Here's one way: [cpp] if (q < 5) { cout << x[q] << endl; x[q] = 100; cout << x[q] << endl; } [/cpp] Simple enough: As long as q is less than 5, we're good, right? But there's a serious problem here, one similar to a bug in Adobe Type Manager that went undetected for a long time: Is the q variable signed or unsigned? In C++, if you don't specify unsigned, then an integer is signed by default. What that means is you can store negative numbers in the integer. In many cases, that's what you want; but in the case of indexing an array, you don't. And if you think you're storing a large number in q, you may actually be storing a negative number, which tests to be less than 5. Look closely at the following code. We're printing out the address of the array members in hexadecimal. In the third case, I intentionally used a negative number: [cpp] q = 0; cout << &(x[q]) << endl; q = 1; cout << &(x[q]) << endl; q = -1; cout << &(x[q]) << endl; [/cpp] When I run these lines of code, I see three addresses. The first is the address of the first element; the second is four bytes higher, because each element takes up four bytes. But the third is four bytes lower than the array's first element. I'm outside of the array, in storage that my code shouldn't be accessing... yet the compiler never complained, and my program ran without problem. Now the solution might seem easy: Just don't store negative numbers for your array indices. That's fine, but if you're using signed integers and don't realize it, something nasty can happen. Signed integers and unsigned integers have the same cardinality, but they're shifted. A signed 8-bit integer can go from 128 to 127. An unsigned 8-bit integer goes from 0 to 255. And if you store the number 200 in a signed 8-bit integer, the compiler will put the binary equivalent of 200 into the variable—but when interpreted as a signed variable, that binary number is -56, not 200, which means our nice little boundary check will fail. This is similar to the flaw that was in Adobe Type Manager, according to this analysis. The software apparently used a signed variable for a loop that was writing to memory, resulting in parts of the file written into an area to the left of the intended array. Bingo, malicious code wins—all because a programmer wasn't careful. Whether you're writing Web applications or systems software, you need to have security in mind at all times, not just at the end when you’re attempting to clean up your work or bug hunt. Mistakes are easy to make, and you'll have bugs in your code. But the more you know about security best practices, the safer you'll be. Even something as trivial as signed-versus-unsigned could lead to a major security bug. Work mindfully.