Main image of article Forget Standing Desks: Here's the Office Swing

Some startups blow their capital on thousand-dollar designer chairs; others line their offices with standup desks, which supposedly confer health benefits. But what if today’s office designers took things a step further? What if they decided to revert your workday right back to first grade, with “office swings” instead of chairs? British designer Christopher Duffy has made that vision a reality with his “King Arthur,” a $16,000 office table lined with either 12 or four swings (depending on the client’s preferences). He’s already sold a few to IT firms and “creative” companies. "As soon as people sit in it, they instantly open up, their posture changes and they start smiling," he told Fast Company. "There's a different feeling when you're hanging from something than when you're sitting and you're supported from underneath." Would a swing keep a worker invigorated through a long meeting? Or would such a thing prove a needless distraction? Is this the way of the future?

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Image: Christopher Duffy/