Main image of article Social Media Fails as a Job Performance Indicator

Although employers and recruiters are increasingly relying on job seekers’ social media profiles to help them make hiring decisions, a recent study by Florida State University found no correlation between job performance and the pics and posts on a candidate's profile, says Business Insider. In the study, 86 recruiters reviewed the Facebook profile, photos and wall of 416 college students who were on the hunt for a full-time job. Each recruiter then rated the ability of five students to find employment, based only on the information gleaned from Facebook. Fast forward to a year later. The researchers followed up with the students’ former supervisors and asked them about each one’s job performance. Of the 142 students for whom they were able to get a supervisor’s assessment, the recruiters’ Facebook ratings showed zero correlation with job performance. Some of the posts and pictures that generated a low score for candidates included people drinking, profanity, sexual references and religious quotes. Although the researchers found no correlation between a less-than-favorably rated social media site and job performance, it may take some time for employers and recruiters to wean themselves away from reviewing such material, since they don’t want to be accused of not having done enough due diligence.