Main image of article SF Conference to Focus on Business of iOS Apps
Monday marks the start of Renaissance, a three-day San Francisco event for Apple iOS developers who want to -- or already have -- quit their day jobs to turn their apps into ongoing businesses. iPhone and iPadOrganizer (and iOS developer) Tim Burks developed the event around topics that proved popular at his hyper-popular Silicon Valley iOS Developer Meetup, though he's also included some that he's personally interested in, an approach similar to the one he's taken to the meetups. The result, he says, is a conference that differs from others because it's organic. Other conferences are usually run by a company or a group that bases its agenda on what sponsors want or results from a call for white papers. Each one-hour session includes two or three presentations that introduce the topic, available resources, and ways to dive deep into the subject. Here's the line up questions that will be answered at one of the 15 sessions:
  • How can I make money in the App Store?
  • How can I successfully run a contract app development business?
  • How can I keep my company and IP in shape for potential acquisition?
  • I have a dream. Now what?
  • Is my app idea really a business?
  • How can I keep my app project clear and focused on success?
  • What should I be doing to market my app?
  • How much will I really profit from translating my app into different languages?
  • How can I make apps that make me money by helping other people make money?
  • What new APIs are creating opportunities for me? How do I separate the gold mines from the land mines?
  • How can I use animation to make my app more interesting without being tacky?
  • How do I make an app that people want to keep using?
  • Should I care about typography and fonts? If I do, what do I need to know to make my app stand out?
  • How can I use sound in my apps? Is it worth the effort?
  • How can I write apps that help me control and communicate with the world around me?
  • How can I make my app icon look great?
  • How do I put text in my app that people actually read?
  • How do I avoid publishing buggy apps?
  • How do I build interesting user interfaces that people understand?
  • How many great new connections can I make in three days?
Renaissance is expected to draw several hundred attendees from the Bay Area and from as far away as New York. The cost to attend is $995 for the entire three-day event, or $395 for a single day. It will be held at the UCSF Mission Bay Conference Center in San Francisco.

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