Main image of article How to Find New Jobs in the Cloud (DiceTV)


DICETV If you haven’t given serious thought to the impact of The Cloud, now’s the time. I’m Cat Miller and this is Dice TV. Apple has iCloud, Google has Google Cloud Storage, and Verizon bought CloudSwitch. There is a lot going on in cloud storage these days. Technology research company Gartner reports that worldwide revenue from cloud storage arrays will grow from over $267 million this year to $1.45 billion in 2015. Also, companies selling private and public cloud storage have seen annual revenues grow 56 percent this year compared to 2010. These numbers reflect spending on external, controller-based clouds: that’s any public, private or hybrid cloud that serves multiple customers. Internal clouds that exist behind corporate walls for use by a single firm are a different story. So far, these internal clouds represent just 1.4 percent of the external, array-based, disk storage subsystem revenue -- so this is an early stage market with a lot of growth ahead of it. Gartner says, "'Software as a Service' and 'Infrastructure as a Service' will lead the upcoming growth." The real message here is pretty simple: even though we’re suffering through an overload of cloud hype, the real action is just getting started. The numbers show that migration of mission-critical business tasks to the Cloud -- in organizations of all sizes -- is moving ahead with gale force. I’m Cat Miller, this has been DiceTV, and we now return you to your regular desktop.