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Exit ButtonEven candid exit interviews don't always reveal while someone's leaving, even if they've  only been with you for a short while. Since many IT professionals seek advice from their peers before throwing in the towel, we’re sharing a list of the top issues that point newcomers to the door. Inaccurate Job Descriptions Out-of-date or inaccurate job descriptions raise a red flag, especially when the manager doesn’t address or acknowledge the disparity between the promised and actual duties. For example, one professional was promised the opportunity to develop new tools and work with cutting edge technology, but was still debugging poorly written code in an older program three months later. If the manager is too busy to revise the job description, ask members of the IT team to make the necessary updates or provide an interim list of tasks and duties covering the first six months. Hazing Sometimes the new guy is ambushed by the staff and required to provide after-hours technical support, or a rogue teammate takes credit for his ideas or assigns him extra work. New hires usually put up with the situation for a while because they’re afraid to complain. But rather than risk losing them, encourage managers to assign them a big brother. A respected veteran won’t hesitate to put unruly teammates back in line, at least until the new employee acclimates and can fend for himself. Fire Drills There’s not much HR can do about a lack of resources or a backlog of IT projects, except tactfully suggest that the manager prioritize the work or bring in additional contractors. Of course, it’s important to be transparent about the situation during the hiring process, so a new hire isn’t tempted to hit the streets after just 30 days on the job.