Main image of article The Synechron DEI Value Added: Not Just Policies But Everyday Practices for an Inclusive Culture

As a globally diversified digital transformation consulting firm, Synechron’s culture is purposefully wide and spread across our 10,000+ employees. Each of them represents a broad swath of individuals who are notably diverse. And that is exactly how we like it!

Synechron is fully committed to feeding and nurturing an inclusive culture, along with a growing number of programs that promote diversity, equality, acceptance, values, and a work environment that is respectful to and embraces all. We continue to encourage our global business units across the globe to strengthen our initiatives and roll-out programs that demonstrate our commitment and help support our employees. We believe our initiatives are instrumental in creating an open, supportive and equitable workplace for each of our employees.

Furthermore, we don’t just talk the talk, we deliberately walk the walk! Our array of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) policies are not just fantastical promises that may or may not ever be realized. They are well-considered and action-led promises to our employees and to the world at large; a testament to our culture and our priorities. We live and breathe them each and every day.

Our teams of highly diverse individuals happily work side-by-side, hand-in-hand without regard to their associates’ specific cultural roots and norms, nationality or ethnicity, religious beliefs/practices, social background, skin color, gender identification, diverse perspectives and thoughts, differing lifestyles and life preferences. We have found that diverse opinions, perspectives and considerations make for enriched discussions as to how to best innovate and implement specific solutions for our clients, without expecting lockstep thinking. This diversity of thought helps to drive Synechron’s innovation throughout the organization.

So, what DEI programs has Synechron breathed life into?  

We have a carefully curated and well-designed array of DEI programs, under the banner name Same Difference that not only promote the benefits of a highly diverse workforce, but allow our employees to embrace our programs in their everyday working practices.Here isa summary of just a few of our DEI programs:

Unconscious Bias Training: Synechron provides continuous, HR-led deep dive diversity training and engagement for all employees across US offices.

Professional Diversity Network: Synechron has partnered with the Professional Diversity Network recruitment platform to ensure that we hire individuals from diverse backgrounds and those possessing varying skillsets. Synechron has also partnered with a selection of other technology recruiting platforms (such as!), technology-rich organizations that encourage technology and STEM-led learning tracks/careers – particularly for girls/women – and organizations that work to provide networking/sharing opportunities (Gender Networks, UK) and further the rights of the diverse community of LBGTQ+ professionals starting/advancing their careers (Campus Pride).

The Better ME! Program: A mentoring program which carefully pairs voluntary female MEntors with female MEntees across global offices and employee levels/roles for a minimum of two hours per month. MEntors offer guidance and are connected to MEntees who need some assistance/networking and could realize benefits aimed at achieving career growth.

Take the Leap -- series of webinars: Our series of one-hour monthly seminars invite interested employees from every Synechron office to hear and discuss individual DEI-specific topics with a well-chosen industry leader as the keynote speaker. This collaboration allows for the sharing of perspectives and actionable suggestions from a diverse group of individuals involved in leadership roles and who are actively promoting diversity, acceptance, and inclusion efforts within their current firm/industry. 

SyneTribes: A collaboration program established through the creation of various voluntary Synechron Tribes (‘SyneTribes’) which affords a cross-business unit collaborative, online community program. Various SyneTribes are established for the exchange of ideas, learning and development for employees who have the availability to work together once they become available, post-project.

‘We Have Your Back’: A pilot program across out US and India offices, this program seeks to attract mid/senior level, experienced women with technology skills who have taken a career hiatus for a variety of reasons. This program encourages women to return to the workforce, reignite and advance their careers by bringing their skills to Synechron. This program includes on-the-job training and embedding within a project team to provide guidance and support. Women returning to the workforce at Synechron are given access to re-skilling and upskilling resources, including internal initiatives and the expansive (no cost to employees) Udemy 24/7 virtual online training platform.

At Synechron, we believe in accepting the uniqueness of each individual employee. We embrace diversity in our everyday recruitment and hiring practices, and within our work culture globally. We continue to welcome skilled individuals from diverse backgrounds who will thrive in this kind of environment and take Synechron forward in its journey.   

Ready to learn more about Synechron’s DEI programs and hear from our visionary leaders? Check these out:

Listen to our podcast here: The WHY behind DEI: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the workplace”

See our Workforce Diversity infographic here: Four Ways a Diverse Workforce Helps to Drive Business Value


Written By May Yang, Global Head of Operations, Synechron