[caption id="attachment_4663" align="aligncenter" width="618"] Goldman Sachs will use IO's modular data center technology in multiple, global Data-Center-as-a-Service (what IO calls “DCaaS”) locations.[/caption] Financial giant Goldman Sachs has agreed to a long-term, strategic commitment to use IO’s modular data centers, the companies said this week. Goldman Sachs will use IO's modular data center technology in multiple, global Data-Center-as-a-Service (what IO calls “DCaaS”) locations including Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States. Goldman Sachs will also deploy the IO.Anywhere modular technology inside its own internal data centers, using IO's IO.OS data center operating system in each deployment. Goldman’s endorsement represents a strong vote of confidence for the modular technology, which has begun to be accepted as an option for quickly scaling out an otherwise purpose-built construction. In recent weeks, for example, Microsoft has indicated that modular constructions are the future of its own data center designs. IO has tried to position its data center as the equivalent of the “just in time” model for procurement of components and other building blocks, with the capability to shift off-the-shelf computing capacity to any customer in need. “One year ago I made the proclamation that the last facilities based data center... would be constructed in the next 24 months,” George Slessman, the chief executive of IO, said at the 2012 Uptime Conference in May. “We’re sticking to this. I sincerely believe that the speed at which this is happening.” The company has referred to its business as a “Data Center 2.0” strategy, using "off the shelf" standardized data center capacity units and operating system controls that can be consumed as either a product or as a service. Slessman and IO have also tried to position the modular technology as one that can also produce lower PUE values, saving total cost of ownership dollars as well as offering flexibility. Those commitments, according to Goldman, will be formalized through an SLA agreement. Goldman and other financial players have invested heavily in data centers, driven by the need to install massive amounts of compute power in order to model market movements and process trades just fractions of seconds faster than their competitors. Goldman apparently believes that the modular nature of IO’s solution will allow them to react quickly to changes in market conditions. "We are pleased to partner with IO and believe their Data Center 2.0 strategy provides sustainable enhancements to our data center operations," Don Duet, global co-chief operating officer of the Technology Division at Goldman Sachs, wrote in a statement. "Their innovative technology and services will allow Goldman Sachs to scale its data center operations more efficiently, and further advance the firm's broader commitment to environmental stewardship and reduced carbon footprint."   Image: IO