Main image of article Is Crowdfunding Equity a Good Idea for Developers?

Startup founders need funding. It’s one of those constants in life, like the Earth continuing to revolve around the Sun. However, some pathways to that funding are more effective than others. For those startups that can’t secure a big check from a VC firm, crowdfunding equity can seem like a viable solution—but is it really effective?

What is Equity Crowdfunding?

It’s simple: you get the crowd to fund your startup in exchange for tiny amounts of equity. These "citizen investors" become stakeholders, earning an amount proportional to their investment if you succeed—but they risk everything if you fail.

A successful equity crowdfunding campaign generally depends on the following:

  • Platform Choice: Choose a reputable crowdfunding platform that specializes in equity offerings. These platforms vet your company, host your campaign, and potentially handle investor relations.

  • Crafting a Compelling Campaign: As with trying to secure other forms of funding, equity crowdfunding often starts with a captivating pitch deck and campaign video that showcases your vision, team, and market potential. You’ll need to be transparent about your financials and use of funds, or you’ll risk lots of hard questions.

  • Setting the Terms: Determine the amount of equity you're willing to offer, investor eligibility (accredited vs. non-accredited), and the minimum investment threshold.

  • You Need Great Marketing: Your startup will need to leverage social media, targeted advertising, and press outreach to reach your target audience of tiny investors.

  • Investment and Closing: Investors pledge their funds during the campaign period. Once the fundraising goal is met, the platform facilitates the legal and financial aspects of closing the deal.

Equity Crowdfunding vs. Other Funding Options

If you’re totally new to the startup game, you should be aware of the other potential methods of funding, which include:

  • Angel Investors: These groups (or individuals) generally have deep industry knowledge, mentorship, and potential network access. However, they are relatively few in number, often drive a hard bargain, and have high expectations.

  • Venture Capital: These firms can access large sums of capital, and offer strategic guidance and industry connections. On the flip side, they often have stringent requirements and will pressure you to grow as fast as possible.

  • Business Loans: Traditional business loans work on a predictable repayment schedule, with no equity dilution. That being said, there are often strict credit requirements, high interest rates, and personal guarantees may be required.

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Equity Crowdfunding?

All of which brings us to equity crowdfunding. Let’s look at its upsides and downsides:


  • Democratized access to capital: Tap into a vast pool of smaller investors, often passionate about your mission.
  • Increased brand awareness: Generate buzz and build a loyal community around your startup.
  • Validation of your idea: Gauge public interest and receive valuable feedback.
  • Reduced reliance on traditional investors: Maintain greater control over your company's direction.


  • Regulations and Rules: Crowdfunding may come with regulations and rules that govern your use of the money.
  • Failure: If the campaign doesn't meet its goal, it can damage your reputation.
  • Diluted ownership: Share profits and decision-making with multiple investors.
  • Time commitment: Campaign management requires significant effort and resources.

Equity Crowdfunding Platforms

According to the ever-helpful NerdWallet, some popular equity crowdfunding sites include:

Crowdfunding equity can be a powerful tool for tech startups, but it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. By understanding its intricacies, weighing the pros and cons, and setting realistic expectations, you can navigate the crowdfunding waters with confidence and chart a course towards a successful capital raise.

Remember, this is just a starting point. Feel free to expand on each section with specific examples, case studies, and actionable tips to create a comprehensive and informative guide for tech professionals.