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shutterstock_247372510 If you’ve ever been through a job interview, you know that the interviewer will eventually ask you: “Do you have any questions for me?” The worst thing you can say in this situation is “no.” Even if you feel you’re set in terms of information about the position, declining to ask at least one question can potentially make you appear uninterested or disengaged. Fortunately, you know the interviewer will likely ask if you have questions, so you have time to prepare some genuine queries. Consider these:

Follow Up

Choose something you discussed earlier in the interview, and ask a question about that. For starters, this will please the interviewer, because it shows you were paying attention; second, it could add a bit of color to the interviewer’s previous answer, giving you a better sense of how the company actually works. Good follow-up topics include company culture, policies, and current projects.


Most people want to advance in their careers. You can win points by asking the interviewer how people rise in the company, and which roles they tend to gravitate towards. However, you’ll want to deploy a bit of tact with these sorts of queries; if you come off as too aggressive or ambitious, you might leave the interviewer questioning whether you really want the role on offer, or if you’re just looking for a stepping-stone to management or another highly-placed position.

Is the Position New?

By asking if this position is new, you can get a sense of whether the company is expanding, or if you’re being chosen to build your predecessor’s work. If the latter, feel free to ask about the nature of the role when someone else held it. This will give you a much better sense of the job’s requirements, duties, and potential.


If you’re truly stumped, you can always ask about start dates for the position. It’s not the most dynamic query, but at least it beats silence on your part.