Main image of article A Web App for Your Work-From-Home Excuse

Ever wanted to think up a convincing excuse to work from home? Now you don’t need to strain your brain: A developer has come up with a Web app, built using a Python Flask backend, that does the heavy lifting of creating a plausible explanation for why you’re not coming into the office today. The app, called WFH.Ninja ("WFH" stands for "Work From Home"), allows visitors to not only submit potential excuses for the Web’s consideration, but also up- or down-vote each one. For example, the collective has ruled that “I forgot to charge my Tesla” probably won’t pass muster at most firms. On the other side of the spectrum, “Food poisoning” and “Snowed in” are viewed as much more successful excuses (unless, in the latter case, you live and work in Florida). According to Christina Ng, who built the app, possible future features include conditional excuses, in which quotes appear only when certain circumstances are met. “For instance, an excuse about being snowed in is only valid in winter. Similarly, an excuse about the Caltrain is only valid in the San Francisco Bay Area,” she wrote in a blog posting about the project. “There should be a client side check to ensure that all the conditions are fulfilled before the quote is displayed.” Because the code is on GitHub, anyone with the programming skills could fork the repository and create a similar generator for other contexts—Ng suggests homework excuses.