Sparrow GoogleGoogle's acquisition of Sparrow last week means Gmail should offer a new design soon. This time, I hope Google will redesign every part of its email service, and on all platforms, including. Sources tell The Verge that Google acquired Sparrow for under $25 million. The bad news for Sparrow users it the service won't be offering any new features, only critical updates. Its staff will become part of the Gmail team. Sparrow is a great email client that's just about a year old. It's simple to use, because it features a unique clean design, a streamlined interface, offers integration with Gmail and a unified inbox. Sadly, it was available just for the Mac and the iPhone. An iPad version was rumored, but that speculation's ended with the Google acquisition. The move gives Google room to redesign the Gmail app, which at least on iOS is awful. If the company wants to polish Gmail like a diamond, buying Sparrow is a great move. (Dom Leca, CEO of Sparrow confirmed that his team will now working on new projects for Google.) Says Google:
The Sparrow team has always put their users first by focusing on building a seamlessly simple and intuitive interface for their email client. We look forward to bringing them aboard the Gmail team, where they’ll be working on new projects.
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