Main image of article Resume Integrity

The Internet press is abuzz this week over Yahoo CEO Scott Thompson’s alleged resume blunder. According to reports, Thompson’s background incorrectly stated that he had a Computer Science degree from Stonehill College when his degree was actually in accounting. We will leave debating the drama up to others, but the key thing this news highlights, especially in the digital age – misleading info on a resume can and probably will come back to haunt you. You may never be CEO of a major tech company, but if the thought ever crossed your mind to include a certification you didn’t earn or a degree you don’t hold on your resume, let this be a wake-up call. Recruiters and hiring managers are pretty sharp when it comes to ferreting out bragging on a resume – were you really “the one” responsible for that key project, or was a whole team? A little gray is OK, most people feel uncomfortable tooting their own horns and tend to overdo it – but outright misleading is a whole other ballgame. So this week I’d love to hear your stories. Did your company ever hire someone and pull an offer? Have you seen anyone outright lie on a resume? And most importantly, would you ever hire someone who has a background that seems not up to snuff? Let me know in the comments below.